A Choose the correct answer. 1. The medieval period of India is from: (a) 8th-15th century CE (c) 8th-18th century CE (b) 10-18th century CE (d) 8th-13th century CE 2. The book Dravya Pariksha was written during the reign of: (a) Firoz Shah Tughluq (c) Babur (b) Alauddin Khalji (d) Prithviraj Chauhan 3. The author of Rajatarangini is: (a) Chand Bardai (b) Ziauddin Barani (c) Abul Fazl (d) Kalhana 4. Marco Polo was a foreign traveller from: (a) Portugal (b) Italy (c) France (d) Venice 5. A caste of scribes who became powerful during medieval period were the: (a) Ahoms (b) Kayasthas (c) Rajputs (d) Jats​