Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow: Beauty is a concept that transcends cultures, epochs, and individual preferences, touching the deepest recesses of the human soul. It exists in the natural world, in art, in emotions, and even in ideas. Beauty captivates, mesmerizes, and evokes a sense of wonder that enriches the human experience. In nature, beauty can be witnessed in the vibrant colours of a sunset, the delicate intricacies of a blooming flower, or the graceful flight of a bird. From the majestic mountains to the serene ocean waves, nature's beauty stirs a sense of awe and reminds us of our connection to the world around us. It awakens a profound appreciation for the wonders of the universe, inspiring poets, artists, and philosophers throughout history to contemplate its mysteries. Art, too, is a powerful expression of beauty. Whether it's a captivating melody, a mesmerizing dance, or a breathtaking painting, art has the ability to move us emotionally and intellectually. It allows us to glimpse the inner workings of the human spirit, touching on universal truths and shared experiences. Through art, we can explore the complexities of life and find solace in moments of chaos. The beauty of human emotions is equally remarkable. Love, compassion, and empathy are among the most beautiful aspects of our existence. They remind us of our inherent capacity to connect with others on a profound level and to make a positive impact on each other's lives. These emotions inspire acts of kindness and selflessness, transcending the boundaries of race, religion, and nationality. Beyond the tangible, beauty can also be found in abstract ideas and concepts. The pursuit of knowledge, the unravelling of scientific mysteries, and the quest for understanding the universe's secrets all possess an inherent beauty. The human mind's capacity to explore, question, and create embodies the essence of beauty in the realm of ideas. In conclusion, beauty is an intangible force that shapes our perception of the world and enriches our existence. It can
be observed in the natural world, expressed through art and emotions, and even manifested in abstract concepts.
Beauty beckons us to seek meaning, connect with others, and embrace the profound wonders of life. It is a timeless,
universal essence that continues to inspire, elevate, and ignite the human spirit. Answer the following Questions. 1X12= 12
1. According to the passage, what does beauty transcend?
a) Cultural boundaries
b) Personal preferences
c) Time and space
d) International Borders
2. In what ways can beauty be observed in nature?
3. What can art do according to the passage?
a) Create chaos and confusion
b) Move people emotionally and intellectually
c) Make people indifferent to their surroundings
d) Limit the human experience
4. What are some examples of human emotions that are considered beautiful?
5. According to the passage, how does beauty impact the human spirit?
a) It limits our emotions
b) It creates chaos and confusion
c) It inspires, elevates, and ignites the human spirit
d) It disconnects us from our emotions
6. How does beauty inspire acts of kindness and selflessness?
7. Where else can beauty be found besides the natural world and art?
a) Nowhere else
b) In abstract ideas and concepts
c) Only in physical objects
d) In technological advancements
8. What aspects of the natural world remind us of our connection to beauty?
9. What does beauty do to our perception of the world?
a) It makes us indifferent to the world around us
b) It shapes and enriches our perception
c) It disconnects us from others
d) It hinders our understanding of the universe
10. Suggest the appropriate title for this passage.
a) Art for Art’s Sake
b) Nature and its Manifestation
c) Beauty
d) Abstract Ideas and Concepts
11. Find a sentence from the options given below which has a word which means ‘to pass beyond the limits of
something or to surpass.’
a) No longer can any party outspend another.
b) At last I apprehend its meaning.
c) “I don’t pretend I have any knowledge of the subject.”
d) Beauty is a concept that transcends all the known boundaries.
12. Find a sentence from the options given below which has a word with opposite meaning of ‘touchable or to be
perceived through the sense of touch.’ "
a) As I sat at the patient's bed his fear was almost tangible."
b) "Beauty is an intangible force that shapes our perception of the world.”
c) "I cannot believe that it is sensible to spend so much."
d) "he was fond of music and had a tolerable voice

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