Transformation of Sentence
Assertive to Interrogative
1. This isn't my stop.
2. I reached home yesterday.
3. The computer was not working.
4. Harry was your best friend.
5. All the students have assembled in the exam hall.
6. Anu has never liked dark chocolate.
7. They have not been talking to each other.
8. It was a perfect idea.
9. Nobody was ready to start the presentation.
10. Your garden is full of flowering plants. Interrogative to Assertive
1. Weren't Marley and you on the way to the railway station?
2. Do you have cell reception here?
3. Didn't her aunt move to Spain?
4. Haven't you been waiting here for quite some time?
5. Will she come to work today?
6. Didn't mom like the bag you bought her?
7. Does this phone have the latest technology?
8. Is the college accredited?
9. Wasn't Denis the boy who jumped over the fence yesterday?
10. Isn't it sunny outside?