☆Unscramble the words given in brackets to fill in the blanks.
• We should collect ...... garbage...... in a dustbin in our houses (erabgag)
⚫ Flies, mosquitoes and..................... breed in the garbage. (sondret)
• Diseases like..................., typhoid and dysentery are caused due to improper disposal of waste. (hdaoerair)
•.......................of waste pollutes the air. (rnbngiu)
◆ The waste that gets choked in drains give off a................. smell .(uflo)
●....................... in the garbage mix with the underground water,causing water pollution. (hemcilcsa)
▪︎ .................. water allows mosquitoes to lay their eggs, later resulting in diseases like malaria and dengue. (tasgannt)
• Public services provided by the..................... help in proper disposal of waste. (unmiiclpa roocpatrnoi)

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