The way a crow Shook down on me The dust of snow From a hemlock tree Has given my heart A change of mood And saved some part Of a day I had rued. 1. What did the crow shook down on the poet? 2. Mention the two negative images given in the poem. 3. How was the poet's mood before? 4. What had the poet done with some part of the day? 5. What changed the poet's mood? 6. What did the crow do? 7. What was the impact of the crow's action on the poet? 8. Which figures of speech have been used in the above stanzas? 9. Who composed the following lines? 10. What does the poet want to convey through the poem? 11. Write the rhyming scheme of the poem. 12. What did you learn from the poem? Describe in your own words

Answer :


1. The crow shook down the dust of snow from a hemlock tree onto the poet.

2. The two negative images given in the poem are the "dust of snow" and the "hemlock tree," which are typically associated with coldness, bitterness, and melancholy.

3. The poet's mood before was one of sadness or regret, as indicated by the phrase "a day I had rued," meaning a day the poet regretted or felt sorry about.

4. The poet saved some part of the day, implying that the poet had initially wasted or felt negative about the day but found something positive in it later.

5. The crow's action of shaking down the dust of snow changed the poet's mood, giving the poet a "change of mood."

6. The crow shook down the dust of snow from the hemlock tree onto the poet.

7. The crow's action had a positive impact on the poet, changing the poet's mood and saving some part of a day that the poet had previously regretted.

8. The figures of speech used in the poem include personification (attributing human qualities to the crow and the hemlock tree), symbolism (the dust of snow representing something positive coming out of a negative situation), and metaphor (the dust of snow changing the poet's mood).

9. The lines were composed by Robert Frost.

10. The poet wants to convey the idea that even small, seemingly insignificant events can have a positive impact and change our perspective on life.

11. The rhyming scheme of the poem is AABBCC.

12. The poem teaches us to look for positivity and beauty even in mundane or negative situations, highlighting the transformative power of small moments.


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ques 2. crow,hemlock tree

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