Answer :

The Einstein Theory of Relativity states that all objects in motion are subject to the same laws of physics and that the speed of light in a vacuum is the same regardless of how fast the light is moving or the people who see it are moving.

Theory of Relativity:

  • In the concept of thory of relativity there are two sub-concept theories as follows:

  1. Special relativity.
  2. General relativity.

  • Importantly this is a major theory compressed by the greatest scientists Albert Einstein.

  • This theory comes under the study of Astrophysics. because this concept is based on both Astro + Physics (Space + Physics science).

1) Special relativity:

  • This topic is nothing but this relates with the physical Phenomena.

2) General relativity:

  • This related to the law of gravity and gravitational forces.

  • This concept totally based on physics and space that's astrophysics and cosmology.

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