Answer :

let us convert both to fractions with same denominator(lcm of 7 and 8 ) so it is easy to compare 
5/8 = 35/56  (multiplying both numerator and denominator with 7 )
6/7 = 48/56  (multiplying both numerator and denominator with 8 )
now comparing both we get , that any fraction with denominator 56 and numerator between 35 and 48 can be the answer. eg- 40/56 = 5/7
 hope it helps :)

The value of the fraction is [tex]\frac{5}{7}[/tex]  which is greater than [tex]\frac{5}{8}[/tex] as is less than [tex]\frac{6}{7}[/tex].

Step-by-step explanation:


The two fractions [tex]\frac{5}{8}[/tex] and [tex]\frac{6}{7}[/tex].

To Find:

The fraction which is as much greater than 5/8 as is less than 6/7.


As given,The two fractions [tex]\frac{5}{8}[/tex] and [tex]\frac{6}{7}[/tex].

The decimal value of fraction [tex]\frac{5}{8}= 0.625[/tex].

The decimal value of fraction [tex]\frac{6}{7}= 0.857[/tex].

From option 1.

[tex]\implies \frac{1}{3}[/tex] ,The decimal value of fraction [tex]\frac{1}{3}= 0.333[/tex].

From option 2.

[tex]\implies \frac{3}{5}[/tex] ,The decimal value of fraction [tex]\frac{3}{5}= 0.60[/tex].From option 3.

From option 3.

[tex]\implies \frac{4}{7}[/tex] ,The decimal value of fraction [tex]\frac{4}{7}= 0.571[/tex].

From option 4.

[tex]\implies \frac{5}{7}[/tex] ,The decimal value of fraction [tex]\frac{5}{7}= 0.714[/tex].

Thus, the value of the fraction is [tex]\frac{5}{7}[/tex]  which is greater than [tex]\frac{5}{8}[/tex] as is less than [tex]\frac{6}{7}[/tex].