Answer :

Amoeba obtain its food from outer surrounding with the help of pseudopodia by a process called phagocytosis. If the food material is solid then, phagocytosis term is used. But if the food is liquid or fluid then a similar process is there, called pinocytosis. Both the processes togather known as endocytosis (engulfing something). Lterally, phagocytosis means, 'cell eating', that is., cell is eating and pinocytosis means, 'cell drinking', that is., cell is drinking.

An amoeba is referred to as amoeboid, it is an unicellular organism and having a nucleus and it can alter their shape from one form to another form.

Amoeba forms extension for the feeding. These extensions are temporary and have finger-like structure.  These extensions move over the food particle forming a food vacuole.

In this food vacuole, complex substances are broken down into simpler substances and then spread into the cytoplasm of amoeba which is useful for their growth.

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