Answer :

According to me i think human beings are the only who are threat to animals because this can be seen in our surroundings how animals such as camels, horses, donkeys, etc. are carrying loads from one place to another place. 
But all the humans are not the same, they also take care of them. And many wants to become friends of animals. 

so it is not necessary that all humans are threat to animals.

Hi there,

Yes, in severe circumstances where food is scarce and nothing is available to sustain life, then humans will look into the direction of killing and eating animals. Even now, animals are hunted for the sake of taste buds and plain hunting hobbies for the sake of show off. Human nature is very caring, one one side the care foe animals and on the other side they crave for a meal.

So it only depends o what kind of human it is,

I hope the answer is helpful.


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