Answer :

Methanogens are methane producing micro-organisms, which thrive in anoxic (oxygen absent) environments.  

Halophiles are micro-organisms which thrive in environments with a high salt concentration.

Heliophytes are  plants which are adapted to areas with prolonged sun exposure.

Thermoacidophiles  are micro-organisms which thrive in environments of high temperature and acidic pH.

Thus the correct answer is B. Halophiles

Halophiles are the organisms living in salty areas .


1.Methanogens are the organisms which are found in marshy areas .They are also present in guys of ruminant (Grass eating domestic animals / curd chewing animals ex: cows and buffaloes )animals which are responsible for the production of methane gas (gobar gas) through the dungs of these animals.

2.Heliophytes are the organism which are mainly adapted to higher sun exposure .

3.thermoacidphyles are the organisms which are mainly found in hot springs ( area with heavy temperature).

Hope u may like the answer!!!!!