Complete the story with the following ending.
(dont worry just give me some ideas)
.......and thus the three sons realised the importance of hard work. They concluded that no work is big or small.

Answer :

According to the outline given, you can write the very famous story of " A farmer and his three sons ".
Here's the outline-
A old hardworking farmer -  three lazy sons who though farming was a back dated and petty proffesion-  farmer fed up with his useless sons - farmer's end nearing - tells his sons about a treasure hidden in his fields - farmer dies - sons embark on the search for the treasure - dig up the whole field but don't find treasure - sons angry and helpless - an old wise man advises them to sow seeds in the dug up field - sons do so - excellent harvest - sons earn a lot of money by selling the crop - hence they found the treasure of the fields and the three sons realise the importance of hard work.- No work is big or small.
Moral- Hard works pays.


When silver chloride is exposed to sunlight, photolytic decomposition reaction takes place i.e the decomposition reaction carried out by sunlight . AgCl is broken down into Ag and Cl.This is a reaction used in black and white photography.

2AgCl ----------> 2Ag   +     Cl

Silver              Silver     Chlorine



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