Answer :

due to unfavorable climatic condition which cause a dreadly rainfall and according to scientist if pollution increase day by day then not only chennai whole world suffer this
The floods were caused by the eighth heaviest ever recorded 24-hour rainfall ... 
"Chennai is flooded with heavy rains. In 24 hrs. 27 cms rain. I stayed at home, didnt move anywhere, watching the news in TV.

Lots of areas are flooded, up to neck, up to knee, . No offices are opened, schools were declared two days holiday, including today. Even today the life is not normal for so many. So many places are like islands in Tamilnadu(but not like your Katrina, Rita and Wilma). the storm was bearable we can say, but people who came out of their houses suffered to go back, coz there was no buses, no autos, no trains.

All flights were diverted to Bangalore . All trains were cancelled, coz the railway track was full of water."

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