Answer :

If there is any equation of the format ax^2+bx+c=0 then you can use the formula 

x=(-b + √ b^2-4ac)/2a or (-b -√ b^2-4ac)/2a to find the roots of the quadratic equation.
There many ways to solve a quadratic equation.
1. Try to find factors of Left hand side and equate each to zero, to get the solution. Splitting of terms is commonly used for this method.
[tex] x^{2} +4x+4=0[/tex]4x
must be splitted in such a way the product of the splitted terms is equal to the product of the coefficient of [tex] x^{2} [/tex] and constant term.
Therefore, [tex] x^{2} +(2x+2x)+4=0[/tex]
On equating the factors to zero we get,
2. You can use quadatric formula.
For equation of form,
[tex]x= \frac{-b \frac{+}{-} \sqrt{b^{2}-4ac } }{2a} [/tex]

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