Answer :

In 1 km there are 1000 metres and in 1 hr there are 3600 seconds

So for the conversion of 54km/h to met/sec we will use the above mention information.

54 × [tex] \frac{1000}{3600} [/tex] m/s

54 ×[tex] \frac{5}{18} [/tex] m/s

3 × 5 m/s

==>> 15 m/s
For converting km/hr we need to multiply 5/18 so as to get it in m/sec

54 × 5÷18
= 270÷18
= 15

thus we get 15 m/sec


54×1000÷ 60×60
= 54000÷3600
= 540÷36
= 15

so through this also we get 15 m/s