An object entering Earth’s atmosphere at a high velocity catches fire due to

(a) viscosity of air
(b) the high heat content of atmosphere
(c) pressure of certain gases
(d) high force of g.

Answer :

a) Viscosity of air
  its due to friction between the surface of the object and inflammable gases present in the atmosphere..The gases get compressed and it results in increase of temperature..

An object entering Earth’s atmosphere at a high velocity catches fire due to the viscosity of air. (Option a)

  • The viscosity of air refers to the resistance to the flow by an element. In gases, when the temperature increases, the viscosity also increases.
  • When an object enters our atmosphere at a very high speed, the object catches fire because of the increasing resistance against air.
  • It also increases with an increase in pressure. So, the kinetic energy of the object converts to heat energy and it catches fire.