Answer :

Prepare 2 test tubes with approximately 5 ml of dilute copper(II) chloride solution in eachPrepare 1 test tube with 5 ml sodium carbonate solutionPrepare 1 test tube with 5 ml sodium sulphate solutionCarefully pour the sodium carbonate solution into one of the test tubes containing copper(II) chloride and observe what happensCarefully pour the sodium sulphate solution into the second test tube containing copper(II) chloride and observe what happensResultsA light blue precipitate forms when sodium carbonate reacts with copper(II) chloride.No precipitate forms when sodium sulphate reacts with copper(II) chloride. The solution is light blue.
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Na2CO3 + 2AgNO3 -----> 2NaNO3 + Ag2CO3

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