
Antibodies present in colostrum which protect the new born from certain
diseases is of
a. Ig G type
b. Ig A type
c. Ig D type
d. Ig E type

Biology - Main Course Book

Chapter 8. Human Health and Diseases

Answer :

b. Ig A type of antiodies are present in colostrum which protect the new born from certain diseases.


b. Ig A type


Colostrum have a large amount of the IgA antibodies in it which are also called as the ''secretory immunoglobulin''. Due to these antibodies, the infants develop immunity against various kind of the disease and microbes. These helps in the protection of the mucus membrane in the lungs, throat and the intestine of the newborn. Leukocytes are also present in very large number that prevent a child from the bacteria and viruses.

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