Answer :

sinA + cosA / sinA - cosA = 5
sinA + cosA = 5sinA - 5cosA
sinA = 5sinA - 6cosA
6sinA - 6cosA = 0
sinA - cosA = 0
sinA = cosA



Step-by-step explanation:

We have been given the relation:-


Cross multiply the equation:-

[tex](\sin\alpha+\cos\alpha)=5(\sin\alpha-\cos\alpha) \\ \\\sin\alpha+\cos\alpha=5\sin\alpha-5\cos\alpha \\ \\6\cos\alpha=4\sin\alpha \\ \\\tan\alpha = \dfrac{3}{2}[/tex]

The tangent function for a triangle is the ratio of Perpendicular over Base.

For a triangle, with its Base as 2 units and Perpendicular as 3 units.

This triangle will have its Hypotenuse as:-

[tex]H = \sqrt{{Base}^{2}+{Perpendicular}^{2}} \\ \\H = \sqrt{3^2+2^2} \\ \\H = \sqrt{13} \ units[/tex]

The Sine function for a triangle is the ratio of Perpendicular over Hypotenuse.


[tex]\sin\alpha=\dfrac{Perpendicular}{Hypotenuse} \\ \\ \sin\alpha=\dfrac{3}{\sqrt{13}}[/tex]

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