Answer :

Helen became deaf and blind in her infancy.It is said that she was very intelligent .When  she was in college she wrote her book called "The Story of My Life".Then with the money of that novel,she buy a house.She had two younger siblings, Mildred Campbell and Phillip Brooks Keller,Two elder brother James and William Simpson Keller.

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Helen keller was born on June 27, 1880. She was girl who being blind and deaf got great success in her life.

She lost vision and hearing when she was very small because of fever. She was not born blind.

She became a famous writer and biggest inspiration to all the physically disabled people.

She faces many problems in her life, but with the strong determination she overcame all.

In her life, people who had been helpful to her included Alexander Grahambell, her mother and most importantly Miss Anne Sullivan.

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