A={1,2,3,4}, B={2 4}, C={1,2,3,4,7}, F={ } .
Fill in the blanks with ⊂ or ⊄
i. A .....B
ii. C .... A
iii. B .... A
iv. A ..... C
v. B ..... C
vi. ∅ .... B

Answer :

A not subset to B

C not sub set A

B subset A

A sub set C

B subset C

fie subset B

i. A⊄B.

ii. C⊄A.

iii. B⊂A.

iv. A⊂C.

v. B⊂C.

vi. Ф⊂B.

GIVEN: A={1,2,3,4}, B={2 4}, C={1,2,3,4,7}, F={ }

TO FIND: Sets and Subsets


As we are given in the question,


B={2 4}


F={ }

A subset is a set whose each element is a part and element of an inclusive set.

From the above-given sets, we can see that,

  • Fie is an empty set.
  • A is the subset of C as all the elements of A are present on C also.
  • B is the subset of A and C as all the elements of B are duly present in A and C.

From the above observations,

It can be concluded,

A is not the subset of B.

C is not the subset of A.

B is the subset of A.

A is the subset of C.

B is the subset of C.

fie is the subset of B.


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