Answer :

Sir Issac Newton , an English physicist and mathematican is famous for his laws of motion and the apple falling down episode. Newton formulated the basic laws of gravitation that are now considered universal.He publishedva book titled Principia Mathematicia in 1687 in which he summarised many of his original ideas in mathematics and physics, including the laws of motion and the theory of gravitation.

SIR ISSAC NEWTON (1642 - 1727)


Sir Issac Newton (1642 - 1727) was a great physicist and mathematician. Newton road to important books such as ----» ★ principal and ★ Opsticks. The first book describes the theory of universal gravitation. The second book contained Newton's idea on light and colour and his optical researches. Newton expressed the relations, between the force acting on a body and its motion, through he is famous 'LAW OF MOTION'.

Newton's third law of motion finds it technological application in rocket propulasion; this place a very important role in space exploration.

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