
what is the role of epiglothis in respiration and swallowing food

Answer :

at the top of trachea there is a flap of cartilage called epiglottis its function is to cover the mouth of trachea and works as a filter when we swallow food so that the food particles may not inter in the trachea and it is also called as guard of exchange of gases  and  food does not enter your windpipe and during  swallowing .

Epiglσttis acts as a lid σvєr glσttis and prєvєƞts fσσd frσm єntєriƞg iƞtσ laryƞx..!!

It is a flap likє muscular valuє cσƞtrσls mσvєmєƞt σf fσσd aƞd air tσwards thєir rєspєctivє passagєs..!!

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