Answer :

if my guess is correct it is not bangar and kagar instead it is BANGAR & KHADAR.  IF SO TAKE THE BELOW ANSWER
   KHADAR: * these r new alluvium deposited soil.
                     * these r fine & fertile.
                      * these r found near the river in the flood plain & deltas.
                        * they r sandy in color.
BANGAR: *these r old alluvium deposited soil in the recent past.
                 *these r coarse and less fertile whichcontain kankar nodules.
                   *these r found away from the river specially along the foothills.
                    *they r clayey and dark in soil.                           
BHANGAR :  the largest part of the northern plain is formed Of older alluvium . they lie above the food plains of the rivers and present a terrace like feature .this part is known as BHANGAR .

KHADAR : the newer younger deposits of the food plains are called KHADAR .

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