Answer :

it is necessary to conserve water resources because, Fresh, clean water is a limited resource. While most of the planet is covered in water, it is salt water that can only be consumed by humans and other species after undergoing desalination, which is an expensive process. Occurrences such as droughts further limit access to clean and fresh water, meaning people need to take steps to reduce water use and save as much water as possible. In some areas of the world, access to water is limited due to contamination. People who have access to fresh water can take steps to limit their use of water to avoid waste.
People can save water by making smart choices at home. They should only use appliances that rely on water when those appliances are full. For example, a family should wait to use the dishwasher until it is completely loaded with dishes. Surprisingly, using the dishwasher uses less water than washing by hand. Other ways to conserve water include taking shorter showers and only watering gardens and lawns when necessary.
hope it helps u...:)

Water is one of the most important natural resources.Water is vital to life. Humans, plants, and animals are made up of mostly water. All living things would die if it weren't for water. We use water for drinking, washing, cleaning, cooking, and growing our food as well as many, many other things. So, it is necessary for us to conserve water.