Answer :

Aihole inscriptionwas issued by Pulakesin 2.

Option B, Pulakesin II, is the right answer.

Aihole Inscription is a eulogy penned by Ravikirti, the court poet of  Pulakesin II, the king of Chalukya dynasty. The Aihole inscription is found in the Karnataka state of India. Several inscriptions have been found at Aihole, but the one unearthed at Meguti Temple is commonly known as Aihole inscription. This inscription has observed many traditional events of the Chalukya rulers. The Aihole inscription is written in the Sanskrit language and the Kannada script. This inscription mentions the victory of the Pulakesin II, the Chalukya ruler over Harshavardhana the Pallava ruler. There is also a description of the shifting of the capital city to Aihole from Badami by Pulakesin.

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