Answer :

I always wanted to visit the village as it was free from all sorts of pollution from city.So my parents decided to take a holiday and visit our village.
When I reached the village my grandparents hugged me so tight,that I felt my bones would break.They fostered all of us and never let us feel sad. The next morning i went for jogging with my grandpa and we passed through so many fields of crops, they almost looked magical, fluttering in the breeze. That day i realized the beauty of the village which was unknown to me till now. After returning home, my grandmother had the breakfast ready and that day i knew her hands were magical. She is by far the best cook i have ever encountered. Being loved and pampered by grandparents is a great memorable moment of my life.
As my parents left me and went out due to some work. They didnt  take me as i was having my school . Then left me with my grandparents. I have never thought that the day will be so special for me. That day was the happiest day of my life. My grandmom made for me breakfast which was completly different from the daily breakfast. Then i went to market with my grandfather and the place was so beautiful.Then me and my grandparents played many games and enjoyed. Then we did our lunch and even the lunch was special. They made me feel so comfortable. They talked with me a lot

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