Answer :

Seasonal festivals at School reflect the strength in relationship and our commitment to learning, working and celebrating together. . The festivals are times when students, teachers and families come together to experience how the yearly cycle of the seasons create a rhythm that resonates in nature and within us, that nourishes us.Spring festivals are a great way for kids to get outside for a day, let loose some energy and celebrate the arrival of spring and summer.The Spring Festival comes in March when we joyfully celebrate the life energy that is bursting all around us in the natural world, where life emerges from the death of winter.The entire school gathers for games and activities cross age and grade groups. Spring festivals are a great way for us to get outside for a day, let loose some energy and celebrate the arrival of spring and summer. When planning activities in school's spring festival bright, colorful ideas come in our mind which reflect the springtime to feel of the event. and this results in a very much enjoyus day this makes every student feel happy then a limit and this happiness doubles when we celebrate this festival with our friends in school .