
name the figure obtained by joining the mid points of the adjacent sides of the rectangle of sides 8cm and 6cm .give reasons for your answers and also calculate the area

Answer :

PQRS is a rhombus with diagonals PS and QS.PR = 16 cm and QS = 12 cmA, B, C and D are the mid points of sides PQ, PS, RS and QR respectively.We know, that the figure obtained on joining the mid points of a rhombus is rectangle.∴ ABCD is a rectangle.Consider ΔPQS, A and B are the mid point of PQ and PS respectively.∴ By mid point theorem, AB || QS andSimilarly in ΔPQR, AD || PR andThus, area of rectangle ABCD = AB × CD= (6 × 8) cm2= 48 cm2

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