British rule did a lot of damage  in Indian psyche and drained our country of money and resources. Yet, there are some things for which we should be grateful to them . can you think of some think?

Answer :

The couple had booked a ticket from Heathrow to Mumbai, but the flight developed a technical snag and passengers were made to wait for 20 hours. They were not provided accommodation or transportation. The next day, the airline gave them a letter saying that they were eligible to receive $175 towards accommodation, transportation and food expenses for the day's wait.

While hearing the case, the corum of M T Unadkat, Nilam Bhavsar and V R Khadse held that the airline did not deny the incident of theft and in such circumstance, the passengers were liable to get $600 for the theft. The consumer forum calculated that the couple should get $20 for each of the 30 kg stolen baggage. The court also said that the passengers should get $350 according to the airline's commitment for the day-long wait. The court converted the amount into Indian currency at Rs 40 per dollar - the exchange rate prevailing in 2007 - and ordered the airline to pay the sum within two months.