Answer :

If i would be a the captain of Indian Cricket Team i will really happy and proud. i will always try my best in all matches and keep the team close together .
i will wish that my team never be separated and it should be the best team. and if we will work together and practice seriously i am sure my team will always win.
and i will work on my mistakes or of other players of the team that became the reason of loosing in matches and then try my best and also help the players in improving their selves .
and always stand on the wishes of the people of our country. and one of the most important thing is that i will never become over smart and also never be over proud.
if i am the captain of indian cricket team i would be very happy and feel little bit proud .every minute i would work hard and practice well and i would make india win the prize in which ever game it participated because the people who are living in india will keep many hopes on the indian team and i also support my team members  and i never want to criticise them but if i unfortunately lose the prize then i would not feel depressed and i work still harder and better

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