Answer :

900 words per page so total words in 20 pages is (20x900)= 18000

290 words he needs 1 minute
1 word he needs 1/290 minute
18000 words he needs 1800/290 = 62.06 minutes

Given :

  • As per the given question, Osh can read at 290 words per minute (Per minute refers 1 minute).


Find :

  • How many minutes would it take him to read 20 pages averaging 900 words per page?


Formula :

★ Total words = Average words × Number of pages.

★ Total time = Total words/No. of pages Osh can read.


Calculations :

→ Total words = 900 × 20

→ Total words = 18000


→ Total time = 18000/290

→ Total time = 62.06 minutes


Therefore, 62.06 minutes is the total time it would take.

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