Factors of production:-
land:- write some matter
what will happen if its not available for an industry?
labour:-write some matter
what will happen if its not available for an industry?
capital:- write some matter
what will happen if its not available for an industry

Answer :

If Land is not available for an industry, then probably the industry cannot be set up over there. SO there will not be any production. There we can not have an industry that requires a lot of land. One may have to probably set up an industry that uses minimum land and probably multiple floors one above another.  The founder or owner of the industry will probably look for land else where in another state or country or for some space on water.

If labor is not available in sufficient quantity, Production will stop.  perhaps the owner will look for automation of the industry. So many workers will not be needed. Robots could be employed to do most of the work.  If the industry needs labor, and it is not available, then industry will close down. Owner and shareholders will lose money. If they want they can import labor from outside the state or country.

If capital is not available then production will eventually stop in a short duration. Owner or management can probably borrow money from banks, finance institutoions , or get from from share holders thru public issue of shares.  They can convince the employees, raw material sellers, other agencies to hold  bills or be patient for some time. They may declare lock out.

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