Answer :

It was a funny incident which occurred when I was in class 8. It was a Wednesday when we would have our Computer Practicals. Computer Practicals on every Wednesday gave us great opportunity to explore the secrets of Computer.
This Wednesday too we learn a lot about how to create a HTML page. The class was very interesting. We listened with eager and were finally successful in creating our own with lot of errors. We wrote down the procedure in our copy and after the bell rang which stated that our class had ended.
I left the classroom discussing about the new thing we learnt. Since, it was a Computer Lab we were advised by the teacher to keep our shoes outside. I had kept it in a safe place. My group of friends and my shoe were together. I was so engrossed in discussion that I did not realize that I was wearing someone else's shoes. Though I dint feel uncomfortable wearing those shoes, but while returning home I realized that my foot hurted a lot.
I came home & checked out my shoes, I got to know that it was not mine. It was a funny situation but I was even worried as to with whom my shoe must have got interchanged. I called all my friends who had placed their shoes with mine outside the computer lab. It was Payal who confirmed me that my shoes got interchanged with her.
The next day in school we interchanged our shoes and this is how it ends.
From then onwards I try to prevent such a situation.

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