if i bought 11 books for 100 rupees.
Sold 10 books for 110 rupees, what would be the percentage of profit?

Answer :

11 books for 100 rupees
book for 100/11 = 9.09 rupees
10 books for 9.09 x10 = 90.9 rupees

so my profit {(110-90.9)/90.9} x 100 = 21%

Given :

  • I bought 11 books for 100 rupees. Sold 10 books for 110 rupees.


Find :

  • What would be the percentage of profit?


Concept :

  • In this question, we know that - We have to find profile or gain percentage so using the profile formula we can solve this equation easily. These kinds of questions are from the chapter "Interest".


Formula :

Profile% = {(Books brought × Cost of books) - (Books sold × Money from the sold books)/Books sold × Money from sold books} × 100%.


Calculations :

→ {(11 × 110) - (10 × 100)/10 × 100} × 100%

→ 1210 - 1000/1000 × 100℅

→ 210/1000 × 100℅

→ 0.21 × 100℅

→ 21%


Therefore, 21% is the percentage of profit.

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