Answer :

6n=2n x 3n 
For any number ending with 5 the prime factor 5 should be there in its primefactorisation (for eg: 5=5,15=3x5,25=5x5). In all these 5 is a necessary prime number. But 6n has only 2 and 3 as prime factors.So 6n can never end with digit 5 for any natural number n.

Step-by-step explanation:

6n=2n x 3n 

For any number ending with 5 the prime factor 5 should be there in its primefactorisation (for eg: 5=5,15=3x5,25=5x5). In all these 5 is a necessary prime number. But 6n has only 2 and 3 as prime factors.So 6n can never end with digit 5 for any natural number n.

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