
Mathematicians who worked for  the develodment of  trigonometry?
list the formulae in trigonometry?
uses of trigonometry in various field?

Answer :

the formulas for trigonometry are as follows:

and the reciprocals are cosec,sec,cot.
the mathematicians who worked for development of trigonometry are srinivasa ramanujan,archimedes, Aryabhatta

MATHEMATICIANS WHO CONTRIBUTED IN TRIGONOMETRY Hipparchus created the science of trigonometry Ptolemy calculated the table of chords called

  • Hipparchus (190 120 BCE) Hipparchus lived in Nicaea.
  • Menelaus (ca 100 CE)
  • Ptolemy (100 178 CE)
  • Liu Hui (3rd century CE)
  • Aryabhata (476550 CE)
  • Abul Wafa of Baghdad

[tex]\begin{gathered}\begin{gathered}\begin{gathered}\begin{gathered}\begin{gathered}\begin{gathered}\begin{gathered}\sf Trigonometry\: Table \\ \begin{gathered}\begin{gathered}\begin{gathered}\begin{gathered}\boxed{\boxed{\begin{array}{ |c |c|c|c|c|c|} \bf\angle A & \bf{0}^{ \circ} & \bf{30}^{ \circ} & \bf{45}^{ \circ} & \bf{60}^{ \circ} & \bf{90}^{ \circ} \\ \\ \rm sin A & 0 & \dfrac{1}{2}& \dfrac{1}{ \sqrt{2} } & \dfrac{ \sqrt{3}}{2} &1 \\ \\ \rm cos \: A & 1 & \dfrac{ \sqrt{3} }{2}& \dfrac{1}{ \sqrt{2} } & \dfrac{1}{2} &0 \\ \\ \rm tan A & 0 & \dfrac{1}{ \sqrt{3} }&1 & \sqrt{3} & \rm \infty \\ \\ \rm cosec A & \rm \infty & 2& \sqrt{2} & \dfrac{2}{ \sqrt{3} } &1 \\ \\ \rm sec A & 1 & \dfrac{2}{ \sqrt{3} }& \sqrt{2} & 2 & \rm \infty \\ \\ \rm cot A & \rm \infty & \sqrt{3} & 1 & \dfrac{1}{ \sqrt{3} } & 0 \end{array}}}\end{gathered}\end{gathered}\end{gathered} \end{gathered}\end{gathered}\end{gathered}\end{gathered}\end{gathered} \end{gathered}\end{gathered}\end{gathered} [/tex]

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