
a cow is tied up for  grazing inside a rectangular field of dimension 40m × 36m in one corner of the field by a rope of length 14m. find the area of the field left ungrazed

Answer :

Hi ,

i ) Dimensions of the rectangle field is

Length = l = 40 m

Breadth = b = 36m

ii ) dimensions of the sector ,

Radius of the sector = length of the rope

r = 14m

Sector Angle = x = 90

Area of the field left ungrazed by cow

= Area of the rectangle - area of grazed field

= Area of the rectangle - area of the sector

= lb - x/360 × pi × r^2

= ( 40 × 36 ) - (90 / 360) ×(22/7)× 14 × 14

= 1440 - 154

= 1286 m^2

I hope this helps you.


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