if the valves in veins of legs fail to stop the flow of blood what are the consequences?
what will happen if cell sap of root hair cells contains high concentration of ions?

Answer :

if the valves in veins fail stop the flow of blood the blood concentrates in the veins and causes swelling or inflammation.veins become enlarged.causes poor circulation that results in increasing the blood pressure


If the veins of legs fail to stop the flow of blood the main consequences that show up are – blood pooling and creating pressure in lower veins of legs.


      If the leg veins fail to stop the flow of blood to the heart the blood flows back to the veins resulting in blood pooling and putting high pressure in the lower veins of the legs.

      If the veins are damaged it fails to work properly leading to the backward flow of blood to the veins. It may cause swelling in ankle and pain in legs along with a discomfort in legs.

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