Answer :

Germany witnessed several political changes under Nazi rule.

1. In 1933, the German Parliament called the Reichstag passed the enabling act which gave unlimited power to Hitler, who was then Chancellor, to pass laws by decree. With this act, Hitler obtained dictatorial powers and could govern as he wished without consulting the Reichstag.

2. With his dictatorial powers, Hitler banned all other political parties except the Nazi party. From then, membership of any other political party except the Nazi party was illegal.

3. Once the Nazis came to power, the process of democracy came to a halt in Germany. No other elections were held till after the Nazis were defeated in the Second World War. Germany became a one party dictatorial state.

4. Hitler's government passed the Nuremberg laws which legalized discrimination against the Jews. Under these laws, jews were banned from several economic activities, could not practice professions like medicine and teaching and could not marry Aryan Germans. The Nuremberg laws were the first steps on the road that would eventually lead to the indiscriminate murder of the Jews in the Holocause.

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