
A map is given with a scale of 2 cm = 1000 km. What is the actual
distance between the two places in kms, if the distance in the map is
2.5 cm?

Answer :

      2 cm=1000 km
=>  1 cm=500 km
   0.5 cm= 250 km

Therefore , 2.5 cm =1000 km+ 250 km=1250 km

We know if the actual distance increases /decreases then distance in map increases/decreases.


actual distance directly varies with the distance in the map .

[tex] So, \frac{x_{1}}{x_{2}} = \frac{y_{1}}{y_{2}} [/tex]

[tex] Here, \: x_{1} = 2\:cm ,\: y_{1} = 1000\:km \\

x_{2} = 2.5\:cm ,\: y_{2} = \red{?}\:km[/tex]

[tex] By \: substituting \: , \frac{2}{2.5} = \frac{1000}{y_{2}} [/tex]

[tex] \implies y_{2} = \frac{1000\times 2.5}{2}\\= 500\times 2.5 \\= 1250\:km [/tex]


[tex] \red {Actual \: Distance }\green { = 1250\:km }[/tex]


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