Answer :

=Log(tan1.cot1 . tan2.cot2. tan3.cot3 .........tan44.cot44.tan45)
=log1 = 0
Answer : 0

Step by step explanation :

We look for special term, while solving such questions. In this case, neither tan0 nor tan90 are present. So, We will solve using tan45.

[tex] = log( tan1 )\times log (tan2)... \times log(tan89) \\ = log( tan1 )\times log (tan2)....log(tan45).... \times log(tan89) \\ = log( tan1 )\times log (tan2)....log1.... \times log(tan89) \\ = log( tan1 )\times log (tan2)....... \times 0 \times log(tan89) \\= 0[/tex]

Therefore, We used two properties

1. Zero multiplied to anything would be zero.

2. Log1 = 0

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