Answer :

Lets assume that x+4 is a factor
f(-4)=-64+48+20+36=-64+  104≠0
  hence its a contradiction.
so x+4 is not a factor.


It is not a factor

Step-by-step explanation:

Equate (x+4) to 0

x+4 = 0

x = -4

now, substitute the value of x into the equation

[tex](-4^{3} ) + 3(-4^{2} ) - 5x + 36[/tex]

Now we simplify

[tex]-64 + 48 + 20 + 36[/tex]

The answer is [tex]40[/tex].

Therefore  [tex](x+4)[/tex] is not a factor of [tex]x^{3} + 3x^{2} + 5x + 36[/tex] because it has a remainder.

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