Answer :

First brother's age = x years
Second brother's age = x+10  years
x+10+x  =  11
2x + 10  =  11
2x  =  11-10
2x  =  1
x  =  1/2
First brother's age = 1/2 years =  6 months
Second brother's age = x+10  
                                        =  10 years  +  6 months
                                        =  6 months  +  10 years
quite easy . You say that one is 11 and one is 10 years older that other we can say is total age of two brothers is 11 and one is 10 .You subtract 10 from 11 , you get 1 as answer then one is 11 . To verify u can add 10 and 1 and u will be sure it is correct . Here  practise one more :
 two brothers total age is 30 one is 27 older than other find their ages .
3 and 27 .
Check for yourself

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