Answer :

Locality development is community-building through improving the process by which things get done. ___Locality development creates an infrastructure for community activism and action. ___Locality development emphasizes positive action on the part of a whole community. Why should you engage in locality development? ___Locality development breaks down barriers within the community by encouraging and improving communication among all individuals and groups in the population. ___Locality development brings together people who normally have no contact, and defines the community as including all of them. ___Locality development lays a solid base for community support of activism around issues of importance. ___Locality development helps individuals and groups acquire new skills and knowledge. ___Locality development brings forth the natural leaders from within the community. ___Locality development encourages the community to identify its own resources and understand its own strengths. ___Locality development makes the community self-sufficient and able to identify and solve its own problems.   
In villages the most important thing to be done is to build a school. Because in villages almost half of the people are ignorant due to education.
The next thing is hospitals because almost everyday 10-12 villagers die due to incurable diseases.
The next thing is making good use of land where we can do mixed farming where we can grow both plants and animals which are greatly beneficial.
The next thing is to make the production of electricity in village areas where people have to live for a day or two under a kerosene lamp.

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