Answer :

Education is the birthright of each and every child on this planet. Education is free to be accepted by all groups of people small or old irrespective of their caste,creed,color, etc. It helps a person gain knowledge to prove that he is not a fool. However it has some disadvantages also.
Suicide : Most age groups of children, especially teenagers are committing suicide due to overloaded with pressure from books.
Atomic Explosions : Man had not learnt how to create things which are helpful but as time advanced man learnt almost anything and everything. Due to this knowledge of everything of man had put the world in trouble. Due to education received by some scientists they had invented a nuclear atomic bomb which was exploded over Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan.
Misuse: In a recent survey it is seen that as many as 15 doctors misuse their power of curing internal organs. They take out the internal organs and sell them for their own needs just to gain money.
So we say everything in his world has advantages and disadvantages so education has advantage but a slight more disadvantage.Yes I have added the misuse of education.
It is possible that education gives encouragement to thieves and robbers to plan better. Knowledgeable and skilled terrorists are fatal. Anti-social elements are making weapons and bombs themselves.

Many students are unable to withstand the pressures and are committing suicides. Education has become commercial and is going out of reach for many. Inventions and discoveries like bombs, chemical weapons, and viruses have been fatal to humanity. They have been used on innocent people. Educated young persons are writing software and hardware virus programs to spoil web sites, personal computers and mobile phones also.

Now people of many countries are worried about nuclear weapons of neighboring countries and are involved in making nuclear weapons. There are many educated but unemployed persons.

All educated people expect jobs in the urban areas only. Now no educated person stays back in the villages. Educated persons are able to cheat the illiterate poor villagers in regards to their properties, facilities from the government, etc.

Now the seeds and pesticides that are to be used by farmers are being adulterated by persons with some scientific knowledge for selfish commercial purposes.

Some people have done scams at high level due to their knowledge and opportunity.
In future we do not know how bad the misuse of new inventions will be.

Some persons become too proud, stubborn, adamant because of education and not have any good attitude towards poor and suffering people. They may not care or respect their own elders.

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