Answer :

the modern man may be proud of the progress he is making in every sphere of life. the fresh air and pure water we used to get is polluted now.this is all because of negligence and carelessness.the increasing number of factories is the one source which is causing all the 3 pollution.the waste water products of these factories go into the canals and rivers through pipelines,thus making water toxic and unfit for use.smoke from the chimneys makes the air full of dangerous gases,and noise from the machines  and sirens create sound pollution. increasing in vehicles is also one of the reason for both sound and air pollution.another main thing is deforestation. 
            a movement should be taken on a large scale to control this pollution and save mankind.and also we must grow more trees,water should be boiled before use  ,factories and heavy vehicles should not be allowed in residential area to prevent  air water and sound pollution to some extent.                  ,
Our earth has become a store of wastes.we are the one ,i.e , the people living on the earth , who are responsible for the increasing pollution.

there are 3 types of pollution.they are :

WATER POLLUTION :This type of pollution is occuring  because we are throwing our daily wastes in it.the toxic wastes from the factories are also polluting the water bodies.water pollution is affecting the life of marine organisms.they are dieing.the sacred ganges is also being polluted because of the flowers thrown during the rituals.

land pollution: This type of pollution is taking place because we are throwing our daily wastes anywhere on the road we want.this can cause stopage in the drainage system.

air pollution : the main source of air pollution is the harmful gases released from the vehicles.this causes health problems.