Answer :

. (Science: plant biology) in gymnosperms and club mosses, a group of sporophylls arranged compactly on a central axis, in the angiosperm familyCasuarina, a woody multiple fruit incorporating the bracts and bracteoles associated with the flowers.
in the gymnosperms, the plant body is a sporophyte. and that sporophye prodeces a prominent structure called CONES. these cones can be divided into 'female cones' and 'male cones.'
the male cones contain numerous microsprophytes which produces the male gamets i.e, microspores.
the female cones contains megasporophytes which produce the female gamets i.e, the ovule which contains female gamets.
they fuse together to form the zygote and then becomes a seed. there are no fruit produced here.

hope this will help............good luck!!!!!!!!!!

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