Answer :

One of my moral value is when I said lie to my frnd bcoz of these my frnd dint talk with me long ago. It made me to understand that we should speak truth at any time at anywhere. Bcoz truth is the God of lie..
i am a student.this story is not very happened just before 2 years. i was in class 4 when my mother took me to a new tuition teacher.the teacher  was very good.she   taught  me  just  like  her  own  child . she n ever scolded me  nor  i have given her any chance to scold me.he used to teach me with full concentration.i got attached to her very this manner , 2 years passed this period of time i was in class mother suddenly said that i dont have to go to her any more.i tried to convience her but in failure.for about 1 year i missed her very much and my marks also went down.then i thought , that why should i waste my life .my teacher suggested me one thing when she use to teach me.she said , never look back in your life instead always move forward towards your future.on remembering this , i started studying hard and finally stood 2nd in class.from this incident i learnt a very good lesson .the lesson is that we should never stop living our life for one person instead continue living for the other person who is still there in our life.

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