Answer :


  e  ticketing  is  very  helpful  in  reducing  corruption  because  there  is  no  chance  of  mistakes . 

the  payments  are  done  by  net  banking  and  the  money  is  taken  from  our  respective  bank  accounts. 

we are also receiving an online bill which we can print as a proof.

we do not have to stand in lines for hours.

we can our tickets in just some seconds.
    this reduces the crowd in the  booking offices.


sometimes there are chances of frauds.

the money is refunded very late.

in this process , we cannot know the people who is taking money from us and they can be hackers as well.

Advantages There is no need of going to banks farer to us. Disadvantages There are also disadvantages of banking like there will be cheating in internet banking for sometimes And there will no security for our money

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