Answer :

Harmful Effect of uncleaned foods,places and Eating Joints are....======>>>>
1.They are not good for our health ....
2.On eating uncleaned foods we can have food poisioning ....
3.This will lead us to have vomitting,loss of Appetite..
4.It can lead us to rising rates of diabetes, high blood pressure and stroke.
5.It will also lead us to illeness and rising of Cholestrol...
6.Uncleaned foods or Eating joints may have many insects sitting on it...
7.It will Effect our brain,as it can Decrease our IQ level...
If we will eat healthy and clean food then we will live a good life.if we will live in a dirty place which has mousquitoes and many other things that are dirty so we can caught dieseases.and also if we eat food in eating joints can harm our body.there we dont know if the food is fresh or stale.we dont know that the food we eat is washed properly is it cooked the joint flies and bees are sitting on the food which can harm our it would be better if we avoid these things.............

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